Who is Controlling the Shutter? Privacy and Photography Workshop

ESRC Festival of social science Poster 2019 NEW 6-page-001 CORRECT VERSION


I am very excited to be hosting a workshop on “Who is Controlling the Shutter?  Privacy and Photography” as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science at the University of East Anglia on Wednesday 6th November 2019.

Today we are all photographers. The advent of smartphones means that everyone has access to a camera, and photography is an essential part of everyday life. Snapping a photograph is second nature, but should we be giving more thought to what happens to that image?

In England, we are both in a privileged and challenging position, where an individual who is photographed has very limited rights over that image. This means that a huge amount of power over what happens to the image rests with the photographer. Add to the equation privacy considerations, and we are faced with a complicated minefield, which can be difficult for photographers to negotiate.

This interactive discussion will explore the legal, moral and ethical dilemmas of photography. It is suitable for all types of photographer – come and join in the lively debate and share your ideas!

Contact Dr Holly Hancock for more information holly.hancock@uea.ac.uk and book now, places are free: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/who-is-controlling-the-shutter-privacy-and-photography-tickets-77346343997

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